Baroque Style | How to furnish a house in baroque style?

If you are looking for a way to add some opulence and drama to your home, you might want to consider furnishing it in baroque style. Baroque is a term that describes the artistic movement that emerged in Italy in the late 16th century and spread throughout Europe in the 17th and early 18th centuries. Baroque art and architecture are characterized by grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, vitality, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts. Baroque furniture is no exception: it features twisted columns, ornate details, foreign or domestic woods, and heavy gilds of varying metals, all put together in an effort to create a harmony of movement and singularity.
If you want to furnish your house in Baroque style, here are some tips to help you achieve the look:

  • Use ornate furniture: Baroque furniture is characterized by ornate carvings and decorations. Look for pieces with intricate details, like curved legs, scrollwork, and embellishments like gold leaf or silver leaf. Baroque furniture is often made of wood, metal, or marble, and features curved legs, carved ornaments, gilded edges, and upholstered seats. Look for sofas, chairs, tables, cabinets, and beds that have a lot of character and flair. You can also mix and match different styles and periods of furniture, as long as they have a common theme or color scheme.
  • Choose rich colours: Baroque style is known for its rich and bold colours. Choose deep jewel tones like ruby red, emerald green, and sapphire blue for walls, curtains, and upholstery.
  • Incorporate luxurious fabrics: Use luxurious fabrics like velvet, brocade, and silk to add texture and opulence to your décor. These fabrics were commonly used in Baroque times and add a sense of grandeur to any room.
  • Add some accessories that enhance the baroque atmosphere: Baroque accessories are meant to catch the eye and add interest to your space. Some examples are mirrors, paintings, sculptures, chandeliers, candlesticks, vases, clocks, and rugs. These items should have intricate designs, rich textures, and sparkling finishes. You can also use fabrics such as velvet, silk, brocade, and lace to add softness and warmth to your space.
  • Emphasize symmetry: Baroque style is known for its symmetrical designs, so try to create a sense of balance in your space. Use pairs of chairs, matching lamps, and other symmetrical elements to create a sense of harmony.
  • Use artwork: Baroque art is characterized by dramatic lighting, rich colours, and intricate details. Incorporate artwork from the Baroque period into your décor to add authenticity and visual interest to your space.
  • Don’t be afraid to go over the top: Baroque style is all about excess and extravagance. You don’t have to follow any rules or limits when it comes to decorating your house in baroque style. You can fill your space with as many furniture pieces and accessories as you want, as long as they create a harmonious and cohesive look. You can also play with different scales, heights, angles, and lighting effects to create drama and excitement in your space.

“Baroque style is a great way to express your personality and taste in your home. It can make your house look like a royal residence or a museum of art. If you follow these tips on how to furnish a house in baroque style, you will surely impress your guests and enjoy living in a luxurious and beautiful environment.”


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